SRLC’s Kolkata Team participates in TSK 25K to support higher education for less privileged rural students

Shrimad Rajchandra Love and Care’s (SRLC) Kolkata team participated with gusto and enthusiasm in the second edition of the Tata Steel Kolkata 25K (TSK), the largest running event in Eastern India on 20th December.

In its first ever year of participation, SRLC’s team of over 100 volunteers draped the streets of Kolkata in a sea of purple with an innovative prop – an umbrella…depicting how the beneficiaries are protected under the shelter of love and care. Young and old alike in SRLC t-shirts, holding banners depicting the unique 10 fold benevolent programme, beautifully raised awareness of the selfless service done by SRLC for mankind, animals and the environment. Volunteers also dressed up as beneficiaries to depict the cause the NGO works tirelessly for.

SRLC participated in the Jabong Run in costume and were the winners of ‘Jabong Run in Costume Being Us!’ Award & the ‘Jabong Run in Costume – The Awesome Pair!’ Award. While a majority of the volunteers participated in the 5km Anando run, SRLC had 2 volunteers compete in the 10k run while 11 ‘Young at Heart’ senior citizens participated in the Senior Citizens’ Run.

The participation was intended to raise funds for the first ever Science college named Shrimad Rajchandra Vidyapeeth, being established near Dharampur to provide an avenue for the rural students to realise their dreams of higher education in the field of Science. SRLC Kolkata has raised a sum of over Rs. 30 lakhs through this participation.